Driving innovation
The SuperDrecksKëscht® team strives to promote the sustainable use of resources through innovation.
For example, we use highly innovative technology in the reverse production of refrigerators, which allows us to recycle 90% of the resources.

Saving resources
Natural resources are not unlimited on Earth. Humanity currently consumes more resources than the Earth can regenerate.
The mission of the SuperDrecksKëscht® is therefore not only to recycle as much of the collected waste as possible, but also to make waste prevention a top priority.

Living sustainability
The SuperDrecksKëscht® aims to act in a sustainable way and to share its know-how.
With this in mind, the SuperDrecksKëscht® offers training and awareness-raising activities, as well as advice on sustainable waste management and prevention.

Promoting a circular economy
In contrast to the linear economy, the circular economy offers an alternative economic model with the goal of keeping resources in a closed cycle for as long as possible and avoiding the use of primary resources as much as possible. In this way, they can be preserved and conserved.
The SDK is working toward the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy.