Spray cans
Products: any kind of aerosol can, assembly foam cans (OCF foam cans); and also for personal care, food, etc.
Info: Aerosol cans are under pressure due to the propellant gases they contain (propane and butane) and can explode at higher temperatures or if used improperly. Depending on the type, assembly foam cans contain one or two chemical components which, when activated, react to form a plastic foam. The contents of spray and assembly foam cans can be flammable, toxic and corrosive.
Avoiding/reducing: Where possible, use refillable aerosol systems or pump sprays. Where possible, use assembly foam cans with a take-back symbol (e.g. P.D.R.), as the recycling fee for these cans is included in the new price and they are taken back free of charge.
Recycling/environmentally sound disposal: The metals of the aerosol cans are recycled and the remaining contents are treated at high temperatures in an suitable facility. Assembled foam cans are processed in a dedicated facility to recover all metals, propellants and components.

The exclamation mark for irritating substances (e.g. irritating the respiratory system)

The body figure for substances very dangerous for health (e.g. cancerous)

The skull for toxic products

The flame for inflammable or fire spreading solids, liquids and gases

Gas bottle for gas under pressure