Lamps (containing mercury)
Products: Energy-saving lamps, high-pressure mercury lamps, high- and low-pressure sodium lamps, metal halide lamps, fluorescent lamps, lamps from tanning beds (solarium)
Info: Mercury can cause brain and nerve damage and metabolic disorders. Low-pressure sodium lamps contain elemental sodium, which reacts explosively with water. Lamps are collected via the SENS eRecycling system.
Avoiding/reducing: Use low-energy lighting to save electricity and money. Ask your retailer which types is suitable for your use.
Recycling/environmentally sound disposal: Rod-shaped lamps are treated in a chemical process and the mercury is immobilised as mercury sulphide. Glass and aluminium are supplied to industry as raw materials. Non-rod-shaped lamps are crushed in a closed system and the glass and metal fractions are recycled. Mercury-containing lamp powder is deposited in a special landfill.

The skull for toxic products